Sister, Find Yourself Podcast

A Shoutout to You!!

Corky Nelson

Picture a life where 'no' is a complete sentence, where you honor your body, listen to your intuition, share your story, and find inner peace despite adversity. Welcome to the reality of some incredible individuals who've chosen to rise above the fray, and in this episode, we're celebrating them. We'll explore the profound strength of resilience and self-care, emphasizing the crucial role these attributes play in not just survival, but thriving. In an intimate conversation, we'll honor those who lead lives of courage, faith, and unwavering passion despite the odds stacked against them.

Ready to redefine your perception of adversity and self-love? This episode is a tribute to you, the undefeated ones who dare to take risks and love yourselves enough to believe you are worthy of all life has to offer. It's about letting your light shine and acknowledging the importance of being of service to others. We'll delve into overcoming challenges, setting healthy boundaries, and the art of prioritizing self-care. So tune in, because in this conversation, we're raising a toast to resilience, love, and the unbeatable human spirit.

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Speaker 1:

Shout out to you this morning. Shout out to you for trusting God last night while you slumbered. There was no guarantee that you were going to wake up this morning, but you trusted the creator enough to lay your head on that pillow, knowing that you were going to get a good night sleep. Shout out to you for getting up this morning to get your day started. Maybe yesterday was a rough day, maybe last night was a rough night, but you got up this morning and you started moving, and it's going to be a beautiful day. Shout out to you for honoring your temple. You were created in the image and the likeness of God, and revering and honoring your temple is the least that any of us can do. Shout out to you for showing up for others when they needed you the most. Shout out to you for choosing to lead. There is someone somewhere who decided to keep going simply because of your presence in their life. Shout out to you for choosing to listen. There are so many times we want to talk about something or have a burden that we are carrying and we have no one to turn to, but it's because of people like you, others are able to open up and begin to heal. A shout out to you for never giving up on love, no matter how many setbacks, no matter how many times someone tried to spin the block. You got up, you dusted yourself off and you knew that love was your birthright by design. We are not meant to be in this world alone, and so keep on keeping on, because your greater than is yet to come Resilience is the capacity to recover from difficulties. So shout out to you for being the resilient sister that you are.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to you for discovering that no is a complete sentence. Once you learn that life begins to get better and better and better, there doesn't have to be a well I would but or no, but maybe. No is a complete sentence, and learn to walk in your power and use that word with period behind it. Shout out to you for guarding your heart and being cautious and careful in all the decisions that you make that pertain to the heart. Shout out to you for showing up even when you were broken. We've all experienced heartbreak, we've all experienced defeat, but you have to remember without a test, there can never or will never be a testimony. Shout out to you for sharing your story, for being transparent, for allowing what you've gone through and overcome to be a beacon of light for someone else. Shout out to you for intentionally and deliberately finding your inner peace and holding on to it. In a world filled with chaos and confusion, tapping into your ability to deliberately decide that you are going to be at peace with yourself is priceless. Shout out to you for discerning intuition over desire. Shout out to you for having a source.

Speaker 1:

Regardless of what your religious affiliation is, knowing that there is something greater than ourselves is extremely important. Shout out to you for proactively keeping your health sacred. Screenings, taking your medication, eating the proper foods, getting adequate exercise, sleep and rest All of those things are very important. Shout out to you for proactively doing that and not having to be reactive when something happens. Shout out to you for being a shoulder for others to stand on when they need it most. We carry people sometimes. God carries us always, but sometimes we carry those around us. And shout out to you for being that arm for someone to hold or those shoulders for someone to stand on.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to you for realizing that self care is selfish and an act of self preservation. In order for us to show up for other people, we have to take care of ourselves. Shout out to you for learning valuable life lessons from the experiences you've gone through. They make us wiser, they make us a resource for other people and they help us to get through our life's journey.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to you for constantly working on yourself. If we aren't growing, we're dying. So we are all works in progress and should move accordingly. One of my mantras is I want to be better today than I was yesterday, and in order to do that, that takes growth. Shout out to you for establishing boundaries and demanding that they be respected. You set the boundaries. It's up to other people to respect those boundaries. And shout out to you for making sure that everyone in your life, your circle or your surroundings does just that. Shout out to you for asking the right people for help, realizing it's okay not to be okay. I'm speaking as a black woman and I'm speaking specifically about mental health and how we have for so long put such a stigma on that, until people operate in a state of stress, constantly Realizing that it's okay not to be okay, and asking for help during those tough times is paramount.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to you for not allowing the world to defeat you. Think about your age. Right now. I am 53 years old. So I am going to say, when we're talking, let's talk about sports analogies or let's use a sports analogy I'm 53 and old because, no matter what life has thrown at me in these 53 years, here I sit. So shout out to you for being undefeated.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to you for letting adversity sharpen you. They say iron sharpens iron. And again, without a test there could be no testimony. So shout out to you for always getting on the other side of whatever it is or was that you went through. Shout out to you for taking a risk, because without it there can be no reward.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to you for loving yourself enough to know that you are worthy of every good thing in life. Not just a few good things, but every good thing. Shout out to you for every act of kindness you've shown a fellow human being. Being in service to others is our greatest calling. And last, but most certainly not least, shout out to you for being here. You could have scrolled right back, you could have chosen not to like or share, but you made a decision to listen to what I had to say and I don't take that lightly. I don't take it for granted and I appreciate it all. So thank you so much, and this is all I wanted to say. I am honoring you, I am shouting you out and continue to let your light shine.