Sister, Find Yourself Podcast

Energizing Life Through the Practice of Self-Care

Corky Nelson Episode 11

In this episode, we unwrap the art of self-care, and how it affects every area of our lives, from our physical health to our mental and emotional stability. Picture guilt-free days filled with energizing workouts, proper nutrition, restful nights and soothing hobbies. Plus, we'll reveal how these simple, yet powerful habits can prevent burnout, turbocharge your productivity, and genuinely improve your relationships.

But wait, there's more! Have you ever wondered if self-care is selfish? We'll tackle this paradox and show how prioritizing your well-being is actually an act of self-love, not selfishness. Because really, how can you pour from an empty cup? By putting yourself first, you'll discover the secret to living a more purposeful and fulfilling life. This episode is a gentle reminder to take a step back, breathe, and do something special for yourself. So, tune in, and let's embark on this exciting journey of self-care together. You won't regret it!

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back. I was in the nail shop a couple of days ago and I ran into one of the most amazing young women that I have met in a really long time. I was a good little bit away from home, and getting my nails done is one of the acts of self-care that I employ every couple of weeks. I'm not a big fan of the extremely long nails, but I like for them to be manicured. And you know, nice little polish, you know, just kind of just enhances the hand, but I digress. So I decided to take a chance and go to a nail shop in the area that I was in and I ran into a the sweetest, the absolute sweetest spirit that I have encountered in a long time. Her name was Joyce. Joyce was about 20 years older than me and she led the conversation by offering a beautiful compliment. She said something along the lines of you look very refreshed or you look like a breath of fresh air or something similar to that. But the seed next to her was available and that's where I was seeded by the technician and our conversation just blossomed. We talked about her life prior to retirement, the places that she had lived, how much she loved the area that she was living in raising her daughters, being married for the second time. She said that her first husband had passed away when she was 50 years old and she was just so frantic and afraid she said she went to her doctor's office and she told her doctor that you know, she was really, really apprehensive about getting back out in the dating arena as a 50-year-old woman, she said. But she knew it was something that she had to do because she didn't want to die in the house by herself. And we laughed because she said her doctor said well, if you do, you won't know it anyway, which was true first of all, but it was cute. So, you know, joyce did find her second husband or her second husband found her of a firm believer in the notion that the man should definitely be the pursuer. So Joyce and I, we spent the rest of that morning or the next, at least 30 minutes to an hour together, and I wish I had gotten her phone number. Ladies, if you do not have one, please get an older woman in your life, somebody that you can talk to, that can be a mentor, that can guide you or at least be an ear, to listen and give you some words of wisdom where it counts the most. I definitely enjoyed her and hopefully, maybe one day I'll run into her again.

Speaker 1:

The topic for today's episode is all about self-care, nourishing and nurturing your well-being. It's so very important. It helps in all aspects of your life your physical health, your mental and emotional well-being, the way that you show up, your productivity, your performance. It improves relationships. Just, it's for you. People can. It's called self-care, but it's very far from selfish. It's self-less. We all deserve that. We all need that.

Speaker 1:

Today's society is so fast-paced and demanding. It's crucial that we prioritize our own well-being. By definition, self-care is taking care of oneself physically, mentally, emotionally and it plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy and balanced life. Let's talk about physical health Front and center. It encompasses various activities. When you incorporate self-care. It can be exercise, nourishing your body with healthy foods, getting enough sleep. I definitely have not lacked the mad department, but I want to share a little bit about that later on. Attending to our physical needs those are very essential components of health care. When we prioritize our physical health, we enhance our energy level, we boost our immune system and just improve our overall vitality.

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When I say vitality, my son, my oldest son, who is 32 years old today. Happy birthday, darling. I love you and here's to an amazing life ahead of you. He mentioned to me several months ago that the older people his aunts and uncles on his father's side of the family are very vital individuals, meaning that although they're older, because they have gotten up at age, they're still very active, they still work, they still drive, they're still contributing to their families and their communities in such a robust and active way. And that's all attributed to good genes, first of all, but the fact that they have always believed in self-care. They've always believed in and appreciated and cherished family, which is extremely important. But by engaging in self-care practices, you're able to prevent burnout and ensure longevity, which is the goal, for it should be the goal for everyone.

Speaker 1:

Mental and emotional well-being taking care of our mental health and emotional health is just as important. By engaging in activities that reduce stress, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in hobbies that we enjoy All of those things significantly improve our mental health. Taking time for self-reflection, setting boundaries, seeking support when needed they're all vital aspects of self-care. Carrie Washington was on a podcast or talk show a couple of days ago and she said a couple of people who obviously don't know her as well as she thought were kind of making fun of her because she's had the same therapist for years and their statements were you know, well, maybe you need another therapist. You're still in therapy. And it's funny because people, whether they realize it or not, there's such a stigma around mental unwelness or mental health, when, in all honesty, the fact that she still has the same therapist it's probably one of the reasons why she has averted many crises in her life, because you don't just go to therapy when you're in crisis. You go to therapy to prevent crisis. So when we nurture our mental and emotional health, we enhance our resilience, reduce anxiety and don't have to walk around in a constant state of stress and cultivate a positive mindset. We are able to invest in ourselves. When we prioritize our self-care, we recharge, we rejuvenate and all of that ultimately enhances our productivity and performance in all areas of our life. By taking breaks again, setting those boundaries, goal setting, ensuring a healthy work-life balance, we can avoid burnout and maintain a high level of efficiency and effectiveness. Self-care improves relationships.

Speaker 1:

When I first started meditation and I do not practice it as much as I used to, and I really need to get back into that, because at one time I went hard on the guided meditation. Every now and then I was able to not necessarily have to use the apps that I had downloaded and just kind of set my intentions for that particular session. But I enjoyed the guided meditation. I enjoyed being present with someone who was able to guide me through the practice, and the more you do it, the less you need that assistance, and I definitely I definitely need to get back into doing that. But I would light my candles. I would find my little space in my Bedroom. That is where I generally did my meditation and the people that were in my life at that particular time knew that for those 15 to 30 minutes I was on do not disturb mode and it was a beautiful experience. There are so many apps many of them are free simply be or is it simply being Insight Timer. There are so many apps available for you if you're interested in the practice of meditation that were definitely beneficial for me. So that's, I really enjoyed that.

Speaker 1:

Self-care is whatever you want it to be. It can be a bubble bath, it can be reading a book, it can be retail therapy, whatever you do for yourself, because if you practice self-care and take care of yourself, yourself will take care of you, and I know that may sound cliche, but it's about the easiest or simplest way that I can put it. It's a beautiful thing. I have never been a morning person and because I have made a conscious effort over the last year to be present, to be in the moment, I don't fret about the past, I don't worry about the future. The past is gone. The future is going to take care of itself.

Speaker 1:

So I'm in the here and now and like clockwork. I don't know if I should attribute it to the fact that I'm in one of the best mental and physical spaces that I've ever been in in my life. But I wake up early in the morning with a smile on my face and gratitude in my heart and I realize that my happiness is an internal manifestation of my birthright. I am not in this place by mistake. Every misstep, every mishap, every adversity, every trial and tribulation has led me to this point in my life and I'm grateful for it all. I'm so happy to be here and enjoying and savoring every single moment of it and looking forward to the future more than ever before. I've got a birthday coming up in about a month, and so I'm just excited about what the remainder of this year and what 2024 have in store for me.

Speaker 1:

So just remember self care isn't a luxury, it's a necessity and it leads to a fulfilling and balanced life.

Speaker 1:

It's a deliberate practice that encompasses activities aimed at nurturing our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Speaker 1:

If you prioritize self-care, or by prioritizing self-care, you enhance your physical health, you improve your mental and emotional well-being, you enhance your productivity, the way that you show up for other people, which, by default, fosters better relationships. It's crucial that we give ourselves permission to prioritize self-care and recognize that by taking care of ourselves, we're better equipped to take care of other people and lead and live more joyful and purposeful lives. So, if you've been thinking about it, if you've been putting it off, do something for yourself, something special, something that your future self will thank you for, and your past self will probably be looking at you and shocked like what is she doing? Always remember to put yourself first, and a lot of times when people hear that we're so accustomed to putting other people first that we almost feel guilty. And I'm not saying neglect anything else in your life, but I am saying put yourself first. Thank you, guys for tuning in. Please like, share and subscribe to the podcast and, as always, until next time, take care and remember to practice self-care. Bye guys.