Sister, Find Yourself Podcast

8 Ways to Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs

Corky Nelson Episode 8

Are you unknowingly allowing self-limiting beliefs to control your life and potential? Join us for an insightful conversation on breaking these invisible barriers and reframing negative thoughts into positive, empowering affirmations. We share personal experiences, like overcoming the challenges of trigonometry, and offer practical strategies on how to challenge your comfort zone and cultivate self-compassion. As we shine a spotlight on the power of positive influences and realistic goal setting, we'll help you navigate your journey towards personal growth and success.

October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and we stand firmly in support of survivors while addressing this prevalent issue in our community. We are excited to announce that our future episodes will feature incredible guests who will share valuable insights on overcoming trauma, achieving professional success, and much more. Prepare to be inspired, motivated and empowered as we challenge limits and shift boundaries. Remember, it's about challenging your limits, not limiting your challenges. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together!

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With all the people having fun. What do you go through? They probably weren't even there. I tell your story. Joke, it's like it's all controlled. If I'd had the freedom to tell a story. There's all these queers. They say that put me in the middle and let's assemble. I become thirsty and lost Because I always smile.

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Welcome back to another episode of the Sister Finds Yourself podcast. I am your host, corky Nelson, and I am glad you decided to stop in Today. I want to talk a little bit about the weather. Y'all know how I am about this weather. Fall is my favorite time of year. I set our side this morning and the sun was shining, but it was cool. The temperature today is supposed to reach about 92-93 degrees, but if you're in my part of the country, that is like a 10 degree difference from what we have experienced this past summer. So, as always, I am here for it. But that is not. I'm not the weather man and that is not the nature of this episode. I do want to thank you all for hanging in there with me. It is a joy to come to you. I'm super excited about some things we've got planned or lined up for the future. We're going to have some guests on the podcast and they're going to be talking about. We're going to be talking about things that I know everybody is going to be able to get something out of. So I'm excited from colleagues in the profession to therapists, to people who have experienced and overcome trauma. It's just going to be an amazing year. 2023 has been awesome. 2024 is going to be off the chain.

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I would be remiss if I did not mention the fact that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and, although I have done an episode on domestic violence, I could possibly touch on that again and have some people on the panel that have also, or that are also, survivors of domestic violence, because it is prevalent in our community and it needs to stop. So we see you, sisters, and we love you and we want nothing but the absolute best for you. And to piggyback off of that, the episode today is really talking about self-limiting beliefs, and a lot of times we remain in those type situations because we don't believe that we can do any better. Even worse, sometimes we believe that we don't deserve any better, but that again is an episode for, or a topic for, an entirely different, different episode. So I'm glad that little tongue tied this morning. But you know what? We are not even going to edit that out. We're going to keep on rolling, because life is all about making mistakes. You don't get a rewind button in life. You don't get a fast forward button in life. So I'm not worried about editing, because this is me coming to you, whether you're in your car driving down the highway, in the kitchen cleaning up dishes from last night, doing a little bit of housework, or maybe you're just sitting out on your patio, like I love to do, and just chilling and wanted something great to listen to. Whatever the situation may be, you have found the right person at the right time. So the topic for the episode today is self-limiting beliefs. Now I'm a work in progress. I do have some OCD tendencies, not to a fault, but certain things just kind of are like nails on a chalkboard for me. So years ago, when I would see these photographs of people with these posted notes, these little yellow square posted notes all over their mirror, I was like, oh my god, I just want to go in and just snatch all those down. I just want to snatch them, snatch them, snatch them.

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There was a show with Gabrielle Union I don't remember the name of the show, but it was. It had a couple of seasons and I kind of liked the show. You know, gabrielle, she's okay, but I definitely liked her role in this show. It was funny, it was real and I just enjoyed it. But she was one of the ones that used the posted notes and they're generally scriptural or positive affirmations.

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And the one place that we spend a lot of time in our homes is in the bathroom. We want to see how we look. We're washing our faces, we're brushing our teeth, we're flossing, we're checking our makeup and for me, one of the places where I have always been the most vulnerable with myself is when I'm looking in the mirror. I see my imperfections, I see my dreams, I see pain, I see happiness. The mirror Michael Jackson, I'm looking at the man in the mirror. Go back and listen to that song because it's super, super deep and it's so true. So I will let the posted notes on the bathroom mirror stand. That is not going to be one of my OCDs, but please do not leave shoes in places where they don't belong. Make sure that you put the dishes away after you finish washing them. Make sure that you dry out the sink when you get finished washing dishes on your face. Those are the type OCD things that I really need to work on.

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But back to self-limiting beliefs. Self-limiting beliefs are the invisible barriers that hold us back from reaching our full potential. They can be ingrained in our minds and our psyche and generally they're developed over a period of past experiences or the way that society has us conditioned, or just the negative self-talk that we do You're never going to be good enough. That's not something that you'll ever be able to accomplish, girl. Why are you even considering that? You know it's not going to work. And then one of the worst ones is what will people think? What will people say? Let me tell you something this day, people are going to think and say whatever they want, and that has absolutely nothing to do with you. So overcoming self-limiting beliefs is crucial for your personal growth and your success. Now, these are just a few of the strategies that can help you, because they have helped me to break free from these mental constraints.

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I saw a quote many, many years ago that said don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits. Easy but profound. So the first thing you've got to identify and challenge your beliefs. This first step is to become aware of the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Pay attention to your thoughts, because your thoughts, your actions follow your thoughts and your actions become your reality. Are these negative thoughts something that are recurring? Are these phrases that that you're telling yourself? Are they undermining your confidence, your abilities? Because once you identify those things, then you also have to question whether they're valid or not. If you don't think you can do this, why don't you? Are they based on fact? Are you just assuming that this is going to be the case? Challenge those thoughts by seeking evidence to the contrary. If you don't think you can achieve a certain thing, ask yourself why? Why can't you?

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One of the things that helped me to be a very successful student throughout life was I looked around me, whether it was elementary school, high school, college, nursing school, graduate school. I looked around me at the people who were present with me going through the same thing. I looked at my cohorts, and then I also looked at people who had achieved a level of success that I was attempting to achieve, and what I saw in those people that had already arrived that was different than me was absolutely nothing, and I have always operated from the mantra if they can, or if they could, then so can I. Number two, reframe your negative thoughts instead of accepting it as as truth or an absolute reframe. Reframe those things into a more empowering and realistic statement. For example, if you believe you're not good enough to pursue a certain career, reframe it like I have the ability to learn and grow in this field with dedication and effort.

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Math was never a good subject for me, but there was no way in the world that I was going to sit in trigonometry with people that I excelled in every other class with and let trigonometry get me. Now. It was rough. It was rough, don't get me wrong, but I made it. The grade wasn't exactly what I would have liked for it to have been, but I made it because I reframed my way of thinking. It's gonna take me, it's gonna require a little bit more effort. Some people, you know I would walk over to them and I'm like how did you solve this equation? And if you've taken trigonometry, you know one equation can take up an entire sheet of paper. So I just I had to get with people who were good at it, who understood it, and I had to invest more time in it. So when you invest time and effort into something, don't just, you know, cut yourself off and and never give your child's, never give yourself an opportunity to really see how well you would do.

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Stop limiting your challenges and challenge your limits. I say it all the time the closer excuse me the closer you are to the problem, the closer you are to the solution. So, number three surround yourself with positive influences. Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people can help counteract self-limiting beliefs. Seek out a mentor, a friend, a colleague, someone who believes in your ability and can encourage your personal growth. That pat on the shoulder, that hug that's letting you know that everything is gonna be okay Sometime. That's all. You need to just take a deep breath, pull up those bootstraps and go to work. Their belief in you can serve as a powerful counterbalance to your doubts. The one thing that you need to stop doing and I think I've said about a million different things just in this episode alone that you need to stop doing, but the one thing that you need to stop doing is not believing in yourself, and the other thing that you need to do is start doubting your doubts. Figure out where they're coming from and don't give them any room for growth. Number four be realistic. I am not a rocket scientist and I doubt that I ever will be, so you do have to know your limitations, but don't limit yourself to things that you've never even attempted to do.

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There are people I love TikTok and a couple of my quite a few of my followers I would love to follow back, and so when I would go to their TikTok account to follow them back, I noticed that they had no videos posted, and so I'm like I wanted to follow you back, but I don't see where you're posting any content, and a lot of them would come back to me and say I've always wanted to post some videos, but I don't know what to say and I'm worried about. The worst for me is I'm worried about what people may think or what people may say Child, please. I do these episodes and I do them out of love and I do them out of my passion for people and I am not perfect by any means and I think this is my seventh or eighth episode, and with each episode I feel like I'm really coming into my own. It flows more easily. I don't feel as apprehensive about preparation or presentation, because I'm doing what I love to do, and I know that, with God on my side, any and all things are possible, because he can do anything. He can do all things but fail. And so, with the faith that I have in him, I am going to continue to show up and the people, the followers, the listeners and for those who this is specifically for because I think, no matter how many downloads I receive on an episode, I know in my heart that there is one person out there that this message is meant specifically for. Now, are you that person? I don't know. Am I that person? Yes, because every time I bring something to you, it helps solidify it for me. So I'm gonna keep showing up, showing out, and I hope you guys are right there with me every step of the way.

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So back to the self-limiting beliefs and the way that we can turn that thing around Setting those realistic goals. Break your larger, break down your larger goals into smaller goals and use attainable steps. By setting realistic and achievable goals, you can build a series of small successes that gradually chip away at your self-limiting beliefs, one step at a time. A friend and I were talking the other day about how people love to mimic, or want to mimic another person's success and that's fine. We see success stories and we want that thing. We want to be just as successful as we see other people are. But there is no elevator to the top. Those people have gone step by step. They've gotten in front of people who were knowledgeable in that field or in that niche. They've attended master classes, they have studied on their own and done their due diligence and they have failed. But the one thing about failure is you're falling, but always fall forward. I call it failing forward because you're going to get up, or you should get up. Dust yourself off and start all over again. And don't forget to celebrate the little things, the little milestones.

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Number five challenge your comfort zone. Please step outside of that box. I don't know who came up with it, who made it, who designed it, but that box that you're in, step outside of it because your greatness is on the other side of your comfort zone. Push yourself to take on a new challenge. Make that video, write that ebook, go live. Do things that make you uncomfortable and over time, by pushing yourself into new challenges and experiences that challenge your self-limiting beliefs, they seem to just fade away. Embrace that discomfort because with growth and change and neither of those two are ever easy. It's often a sign that you're expanding your capabilities.

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Number six cultivate self-compassion. There we go again. Be kind and compassionate towards yourself. Acknowledge that self-limiting beliefs are common and that you're not alone in experiencing that. Treat yourself with the same empathy and understanding you would offer to a friend facing that same challenge. Remember that failure and setbacks are part of the learning process and do not define your worth or your potential.

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Number seven practice positive affirmations. There go those little posted notes. Affirmations are powerful tools for rewiring your mindset. Repeat positive affirmations daily, such as I am capable, I deserve success, I am worthy of love and happiness. Consistently reinforcing positive beliefs can help overwrite self-limiting beliefs over a period of time. And number eight seek professional help if you need it. If self-limiting beliefs persist and significantly impact your daily life, seeking professional help from a therapist, a life coach, can provide valuable guidance and support. They can help you explore the root cause of these beliefs and develop strategies to help you overcome them.

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All of these things I have said a million times before and I'll say them until I am. I don't want to be blowing the face, but I'll say them until they really really get through and sink in. And again, everything that I say and everything that I bring to you is always helpful to me as well. So just remember overcoming self-limiting beliefs. It's a journey and it requires patience, persistence and self-reflection. By challenging and reprogramming your mindset, you can break free of these mental barriers and unlock your true potential. I believe in you. Your family and friends believe in you and, whether they do or not, I need you to believe in you, as always. Guys, thank you so much for tuning in. Please subscribe, rate and share the podcast and, until next time, take care.